
Notification Number/Date Content Details PDF
No.5. Dated 25-03-2014 This is to notify that only CMJ students who have submitted their representations and received by Directorate of Higher & Technical Education, Govt. of Meghalaya on or before 20th March 2014 but could not attend or were not called for hearing can attend the hearing on 29th March 2014 PDF icon
No.4. Dated 14-03-2014 All CMJ students who have submitted their representations but could not attend or were not called for hearing are hereby informed that they can attend the hearing on the 29th March 2014 PDF icon
No.DHTE/CMJ/111/CELL/24/2013/7 Dated 13-03-2014 Last date for submission of Representation by CMJ Students PDF icon
No.2. Dated 28-02-2014 General Notice to All Students Appearing the CMJ University Hearing PDF icon
No.DHTE/CMJ/1/2014/1 Dated 14-02-2014 In pursuance to the Hon'ble Supreme Court orders dated 13th September; 2013, notice is hereby given to the students who have submitted their representations regarding validation of their Degrees, pertaining to CMJ University are required to appear in person along with all relevant supporting documents for the hearing w.e.f. 25th February, 2014 onwards on the date and venue(s) as specified in the website PDF icon

Students List for Hearing:

  1. 1st List of Students for Hearing. (Date:25/02/2014 till 28/02/2014)
  2. 2nd List of Students for Hearing. (Date:03/03/2014 till 05/03/2014)
  3. 3rd List of Students for Hearing. (Date:06/03/2014)
  4. 4th List of Students for Hearing. (Date:07/03/2014 till 10/03/2014)
  5. 5th List of Students for Hearing. (Date:11/03/2014)
  6. 6th List of Students for Hearing. (Date:12/03/2014)
  7. 7th List of Students for Hearing. (Date:12/03/2014 till 20/03/2014)
  8. 8th List of Students for Hearing. (Date:20/03/2014 till 21/03/2014)
  9. 9th List of Students for Hearing. (Date:24/03/2014 & 25/03/2014)
  10. 10th List of Students for Hearing. (B.Tech LIST Date: 18,19,20 & 21 MARCH 2014 )
  11. 11th List of Students for Hearing. (B.Ed LIST Date: 18,19,20 & 21 MARCH 2014)
  12. 12th List of Students for Hearing. (Date: 24 & 25 MARCH 2014)
  13. 13th List of Students for Hearing. (Date: 26 MARCH 2014)
  14. 14th List of Students for Hearing. (Date: 26 MARCH 2014)( uploaded-21st March 2014 3PM)
  15. 15th List of Students for Hearing. (B.EDList Date: 26 MARCH 2014 )( uploaded-21st March 2014 3PM)
  16. 16th List of Students for Hearing. (Date: 27 MARCH 2014) ( uploaded-21st March 2014 3PM)
  17. 17th List of Students for Hearing. (Date: 28 MARCH 2014) ( uploaded-21st March 2014 3PM)