Scheme for granting subsidy to students from Border Areas under Border Areas Development Programme

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Consequent upon the partition of India in 1947, the people inhibiting the Indo-Bangladesh Border suffered acute economic distress due to closure of normal trade channels with our neighbouring country. The people of those areas have been experiencing great difficulty to give proper education of their children on account of economic hardship, many students from Border Areas have given up their studies after the lower primary stage on account of their parents economic difficulties. Obviously, the majority of the students hailing from those areas are handicapped and cannot catch up with those living in non border areas.

With a view to removing this handicap, a scheme for giving financial assistance to the border area students procuring their studies in Higher Schools and Colleges up to Degree level are given this Border stipend under rules and regulation given below:-

  1. The subsidy/scholarships will be awarded year-wise on the basis of promotion examinations. Both Father and Mother Income from all sources must be derived from Border Area. Govt. Service is not eligible for subsidy/scholarships. Ph.D./M.Phil are not entitled for subsidy/scholarship.
  2. Scholarship/subsidy will be awarded to students whose villages included in the notified border areas villages given by Border Area Department.
  3. The scholar is warned that her/his participant in any Govt. Political Activities/Demonstration will entail lost of scholarship.
  4. The scholarship is tenable on the usual conditions of good conduct, regular in attendance and satisfactory progress, the scholarship will be suspended if any scholar leave his/her studies before completion of the course of study.
  5. The scholarship holder under this scheme can enjoy with any other scholarship as this scheme is a grant/subsidy only
  6. BEd, MEd students who are pursuing the course are eligible and will not apply to those who are already in service as they will not be entitled for scholarship.