Post Matric Merit Scholarship for Tribal Students

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The main objective of Post-Matric Merit Scholarship for Tribal Students of Meghalaya is to provide incentive and financial assistance to the meritorious tribal students of the State for pursuing studies in Higher Education, both General and Technical Education. These rules may be called “The Rules for the Award of Post-Matric Scholarship for Tribal Student.


In this Rule:
  1. “Department” means Department of Education of the Government of Meghalaya.
  2. “Director” means Director of Public Instruction, Meghalaya.
  3. “Recognized School/College” means School/College recognized by the Department, Directorate, any Board set up by the Government of Meghalaya or by a University.
  4. “Guardian” means the parents or a person to whom the duty of taking care of bringing up to the custody of the ward has been entrusted by law or custom or by any lawful authority, or who has in fact accented or assumed such duty or has actual custody of such ward or where such guardian cannot be readily ascertained such person as the Director shall decide.
  5. “Permanent Resident” means whose parents are native or domiciled in the State of Meghalaya.
  6. “Tribal” means a person belonging to the recognized Scheduled Tribe Community in the State of Meghalaya.


  1. The Scholarships are open to the Students who are permanent resident of the State of Meghalaya and belong to the recognized Scheduled Tribe Community.
  2. These Scholarships will be given for pursuing regular full-time Post Secondary Courses in any recognized Institutions anywhere in India.
  3. The eligible students will be selected strictly in order of Merit from the Merit List of each examination of the year of award. Students who have passed qualifying examinations in a year prior to the year of the award of Scholarship will not be eligible for consideration.
  4. A Scholarship under the Scheme will be tenable only for the next higher course of study and not for any equivalent course.
  5. A candidate who is in full-time employment will not be eligible for award of scholarship, candidates studying as part-time students or studying privately or in un-recognized Institutions or through correspondence courses will not be eligible.
  6. A Scholarship holder will not receive any other Scholarship or stipend.


Hostel subsidies or any other subsidies, book grants and the like sanctioned by the Government for specified purposes, shall not be treated as regular Scholarship or Stipend. A Scholarship holder may also enjoy fee concession given by the Institution in which he is studying or by any Authority.

Duration and Renewal of Scholarship:

  1. The Scholarship awarded will be tenable for the entire duration of the course of studies.
  2. A Scholarship under the Scheme is renewable from year to year within each stage of education. The renewal will depend on promotion to the next class, good conduct and regularity in attendance. The Scholarship is liable to terminated for habitual irregularity, misbehaviour, participation in strikes etc. The decision for the Director will be final and binding in such cases.
  3. If a scholar shows unsatisfactorily progress during the courses of his studies, or if he gives up the chosen course of study without the prior approval of the Director, the scholarship will be cancelled.
  4. If a scholar is unable to appear for the Annual Examination within a continuous course of studies owing to illness, the Scholarship may be renewed for the next year on the recommendation of the Head of the Institution, which recommendation of the Head of the Institution, which recommendation he will make on the basis of progress and performance in the class/Terminal Examination etc., and Registered Medical Practitioner certifies that the scholar had been ill for the period. A Scholar may get the benefit of renewal of this type only once for the entire course of studies.
  5. The payment of Scholarship will start from the month the admission is obtained. The case of final examination, at the completion of a full course of studies, the scholarship will be payable upto the month in which the written or practical examination ends.
  6. The Scholarship will during a financial year be drawn upto the end of that financial year i.e. March. For the months till the annual examination, the scholarship will be drawn in succeeding Financial year on receipt of the Annual Progress Reports which will contain information regarding the month of examination.

Number and Value

Type of Merit Number Amount per month
(i) Junior College Merit 30 Nos. 200 pm
(ii) Senior College Merit 30 Nos. 300 pm
(iii) Post Graduate Merit 15 Nos. 400 pm
(iv) Post Graduate Research 30 Nos. 1000 pm

The Selection Committee may determine the number and value of Scholarships whenever any exigencies arise and make recommendations for the consideration of Government.

Junior College Tribal merit Scholarship:

  1. The Scholarship will be awarded to the tribal students of Meghalaya. Who have secured 1st Division or securing not less than 60% marks in aggregate in the High School Leaving Certificate Examination of The Meghalaya Board of School Education Examination during the year of award
  2. The Selection will be made in order of Merit from the Merit List of First Division candidates.
  3. A Selected Candidate should submit the Joining Report within the stipulated date. If the Director do not receive the Joining Report within the Stipulated Dated from the selected candidate or the candidate has not joined any institution or given up studies, the scholarship will then be offered to the next eligible candidate in the Merit List.
  4. The Scholarship will be tenable for a period of two years for the course of general education and the entire course technical/vocational education in any college, Polytechnic or other institution imparting education of Post Matric Level situated anywhere in India
  5. The Scholarship will be distributed between examinations as follows
    1. On the result of High School Leaving Certificate Examination of Meghalaya Board of School Education. 16 Nos.
    2. Indian Certificate of Secondary Leaving Certificate Examination. 4 Nos.

In case no suitable candidate is available in one group, the same will be transferred to another group by the Selection Committee.

Senior College Tribal Merit Scholarship:

  1. Scholarship will be awarded to the tribal students of Meghalaya obtaining 1st Division of securing not less than 60% marks in aggregate in Pre-University/Higher Secondary School Leaving Certificate Examination during the year of award from the recognized schools and colleges of Meghalaya during the year of award.
  2. The Selection will be made in order of Merit from the Merit List.
  3. Scholarship will be enabled for a period of two or three years (according to the tenure of the degree/diploma course) in General Education and for the entire duration of the course in Technical Education and other similar Institution anywhere in India having recognition from a competent authority within India.
  4. Scholarships will be distributed between different examinations as follows:
    1. P.U. Arts - - - 12 Nos.
    2. P.U. Science - - - 12 Nos.
    3. P.U. Commerce - - - 3 Nos.
    4. Indian School Certificate - - - 3 Nos.

In case eligible candidate is not available in any of the group, the same will be allotted to by other group by the Selection Committee.

Post Graduate Tribal Merit Scholarship:

  1. Scholarship will be awarded to the tribal students who are permanent resident of Meghalaya, obtaining atleast 50% (fifty) percent mark in aggregate in the Degree Examination in Pass Course or 50 (fifty) percent in Honours subject from the recognized Colleges of Meghalaya during the year of award.
  2. The Scholarships will ordinarily be enable for two years or until the completion of the course, as the case may be subject to satisfactorily progress maintained by the student and may be enable in any recognized Institution of India.
  3. The Scholarship will be awarded on subject of courses of study as may be determined on the basis of general needs of the State by the Selection Committee constituted under Rule 8 below. In the case no suitable candidate is available in one group the same will be transferred to another discipline by the Selection Committee.

Selection Committee:

There shall be Selection Committee compromising of members named below, for the purpose of Selection of subjects, courses of study and for selection of candidates for award of the Tribal Merit Scholarship.

  1. Secretary to the Government in Education Department - Chairman.
  2. Director of Public Instruction- Member – Secretary
  3. Director of Industries-Member.
  4. Joint/Dy. Director of Public Instruction (in-charge of Scholarship) -Member.
  5. One nominee of Government for such period as Government may decide - Member.

Authority to Award the Scholarship:

The Scholarship will be awarded by the Director to the candidates selected by the Selection Committee


  1. The Selection Committee will have discretion to allow relaxation or marginal adjustment upto 5 (five) percent mark below the First revision marks to extend the benefit to the students belonging to the weaker section of the Tribal Communities of the State of Meghalaya, in case of Junior and Senior College Merit Scholarship.
  2. The decision of the Department shall be final and decisive in all matters arising under the rules